Things worth living for
Another example of erratic timings in my world now...
Night shifts aren't always eventful... but there's always something to be done.
I'm practically already conditioned into this kind of schedule. No worries for me :)
Some food for thought. Just a random piece-together of my thoughts. Hope it makes sense at all, 'cause I just wrote down whatever came to mind...
Wonder if we have all been caught up in this busy world and have forgotten the most simple things that actually bring us joy.
Many of us just spend our whole lives cooped up in work. We're the ostriches of the modern time, though we don't bury our heads in the ground; we bury them in our books, papers, computers...
Maybe it's just the age we live in now... a world so full of expectations, competitions and comparisons... just a few of the things that we have been conforming to for a long, long time I guess.
Someone always seems to expect something out of you, even if it might be yourself...
Then we find ourselves competing against others for positions...
At the same time, we're constantly compared to others' progress...
It's true, many of us do these in the course of achieving success and happiness.
But... What is true happiness?
Is it when we pursue after our dreams?
Is it when we start to make headway into fulfilling our dreams?
Or is it when we finally see ourselves where we want to be?
Truth is, you don't have to be successful to be happy. Look around you... there may be people who are much less fortunate as you are, YET, they are able to find happiness in many different ways, be it in the little that they have.
Has the environment really hardened many of us into what we are today?
The harsh reality is that we neglect many things around us in pursuit of our own warped ideas of success and happiness.
Having a few questions about a few simple things...
Why, have out priorities changed so much over the times?
Has success got in the way of family and friendship, so much that we value position over kinship?
Why, can't people slow down just to appreciate the rainbow as the skies clear after the rain?
Has society sped up so much that we can't take some time off the just enjoy our surroundings?
Why, does it seem that we lose things much easier than we find things?
Maybe we're too caught up in so many things that we don't notice the details?
Why, can't some people just accept failure as part and parcel of life?
Have we forgotten that what matters is what we have learnt and what not to repeat?
True happiness is shared with the people around us... having a passion and sharing a passion with others. Then, when we reach the top, achieve what we've set out to do, that we have people to celebrate with.
Consider the following. We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others. - Tenzin Gyatso, The Dalai Lama
Also, happiness comes from the heart.
Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. - Helen Keller
Most importantly, don't forget that even though one door is closed, there will ALWAYS be another opened for us.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller
Don't always be in a rush to do things. Sometimes we take too many shortcuts to do things... we may grasp the idea of how things are done, but what about others' behind us? Are we really going to skip so many steps that others who are following get confused and lost? Sometimes, it doesn't hurt to spend more time going through the entire process. It helps in the learning process, and it's how you figure out where mistakes are made, and how to solve the problems you encounter. That way, everybody learns, and everyone benefits.
There's always a time for everything we do. Some things should be done now... others later, and others, maybe not at all...
From the Bible:
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
In the right season...
Find, and do things that are worth fighting for...
For the people around us...
For true happiness.
Night shifts aren't always eventful... but there's always something to be done.
I'm practically already conditioned into this kind of schedule. No worries for me :)
Some food for thought. Just a random piece-together of my thoughts. Hope it makes sense at all, 'cause I just wrote down whatever came to mind...
Wonder if we have all been caught up in this busy world and have forgotten the most simple things that actually bring us joy.
Many of us just spend our whole lives cooped up in work. We're the ostriches of the modern time, though we don't bury our heads in the ground; we bury them in our books, papers, computers...
Maybe it's just the age we live in now... a world so full of expectations, competitions and comparisons... just a few of the things that we have been conforming to for a long, long time I guess.
Someone always seems to expect something out of you, even if it might be yourself...
Then we find ourselves competing against others for positions...
At the same time, we're constantly compared to others' progress...
It's true, many of us do these in the course of achieving success and happiness.
But... What is true happiness?
Is it when we pursue after our dreams?
Is it when we start to make headway into fulfilling our dreams?
Or is it when we finally see ourselves where we want to be?
Truth is, you don't have to be successful to be happy. Look around you... there may be people who are much less fortunate as you are, YET, they are able to find happiness in many different ways, be it in the little that they have.
Has the environment really hardened many of us into what we are today?
The harsh reality is that we neglect many things around us in pursuit of our own warped ideas of success and happiness.
Having a few questions about a few simple things...
Why, have out priorities changed so much over the times?
Has success got in the way of family and friendship, so much that we value position over kinship?
Why, can't people slow down just to appreciate the rainbow as the skies clear after the rain?
Has society sped up so much that we can't take some time off the just enjoy our surroundings?
Why, does it seem that we lose things much easier than we find things?
Maybe we're too caught up in so many things that we don't notice the details?
Why, can't some people just accept failure as part and parcel of life?
Have we forgotten that what matters is what we have learnt and what not to repeat?
True happiness is shared with the people around us... having a passion and sharing a passion with others. Then, when we reach the top, achieve what we've set out to do, that we have people to celebrate with.
Consider the following. We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others. - Tenzin Gyatso, The Dalai Lama
Also, happiness comes from the heart.
Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. - Helen Keller
Most importantly, don't forget that even though one door is closed, there will ALWAYS be another opened for us.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller
Don't always be in a rush to do things. Sometimes we take too many shortcuts to do things... we may grasp the idea of how things are done, but what about others' behind us? Are we really going to skip so many steps that others who are following get confused and lost? Sometimes, it doesn't hurt to spend more time going through the entire process. It helps in the learning process, and it's how you figure out where mistakes are made, and how to solve the problems you encounter. That way, everybody learns, and everyone benefits.
There's always a time for everything we do. Some things should be done now... others later, and others, maybe not at all...
From the Bible:
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
In the right season...
Find, and do things that are worth fighting for...
For the people around us...
For true happiness.
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