Ash's Joys

Just plain old me.


30/10 Just hit the big 2
30/06/07 - Life changed
Living life to the fullest
In God I trust

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

The Song


Blogging at 2am. Well. Don't really have anything to do now in camp... free time through the duty... hahas. Haven't really wrote much here since a long long time ago...

Days have just been shuffling between the 12 hours of duty and 12 hours of rest.

Life's fine here. Duty periods are quite eventless... until something happens, then we all get frantic. Right... It's not actually, but when we get busy, we really get busy. Do find that night shift's just alright so far. There's so much else that one can do in the night, like a lot of free time basically.

Rest times are a time of sleep, and more sleep. Maybe some entertainment here and there. TV, games... blah blah. There isn't much to do otherwise... anyway, am normally too tired to do anything else haa.

Yeah, I'm still grousing over the loss of alternate weekends, but I guess I've no choice and no say in that matter. That's what everybody here does anyway. Just have to cherish the times I have outside more. Anyway, I do feel that the times spent outside become much more meaningful, considering the little time that I get to spend with the CG and friends out there...

I'm still quite amazed at how things are developing over the weeks... can really see many changes in the CG and in different people... though I hope that some can understand that the many things that have been going on are just part of the process of growth.

Have one thing to say to everyone out there though... "Consider your actions, and MAKE SURE it's the correct course of action before you even embark on it." Do we really have to "knock" it into some people at times? I know that things tend to get out of hand when we become more and more deeply involved in the things that we do, but this is one word we SHOULD ALWAYS remember, "Restraint".

Say, I'm really hoping to meet new people soon; make new friends... Looking at the way the CG's growing, I'm sure that it'll be a sure thing that I'll be able to get to see new faces soon! Guys, don't worry if you do not see instant results. Persistence and perseverance in whatever we do will lead to much greater things to come! DON'T GIVE UP ya! JIAYOU!

As we are now in the 2nd half of the year, I know that many of y'all have many different commitments in many different areas. Studies, work... blah blah (I guess students have it harder now, considering that it's like, oh my gosh, 3 more months to the finals). Well, just a word of encouragement here for all of you out there, who may feel hard-pressed at times, and feeling down at times when you struggle through the many different things you do.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
- Unknown

Here's another from Ted Roosevelt, a message of trying, and never giving up:

"It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled
or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly;
who errs and comes short again and again;
who knows great enthusiasms,
the great devotions;
who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly
so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Shine for God in everything you do!

Gave myself one task earlier... It's "Get to know everyone better" time. :)



Smile! xD

New skin?

I need a new skin? NOT!

At least not now... not enough time.


I'm Blessed.


Hi all!

As of this moment, I have not slept properly for 32 hours, 47 minutes and 27 seconds. In any case, I guess I won't be seeing my bed till at least 9am tomorrow. Haha. Have been stuck where I am now for the past above-stated time. Haven't seen the sunlight for that long either. LOL.

Yeah, its that long cos I'm still watching movies haha. Have been watching them the whole day already, and there are still many more to go!

Don't know why, but I'm still quite energetic... maybe it's because of the stuff I do here... not much, nice atmosphere... right...

THE AIR HERE IS BAD. NO FRESH AIR! But then again, I shouldn't be complaining, considering the perks... xD

Going back to the screens now! TATA!




So late. Hahas.

Night duty kinda rocks sometimes.

Pondering now though.

Wondering what else I should do.

Still gotta wait for something at 3am. After that, a short nap. xD

Won't be able to take a good rest later after duty, got quite a bit of things to do before I get back to camp again... Haiz.

Make the best out of the time I have now.


Signing off for now.
Why have things changed so much since the day I told her... was it wrong?